Herbifit Iceland moss syrup
Packaging: Bottle contains 150 ml of Marshmallow root syrup.
Features and function
Herbifit Marshmallow syrup is dietetic product, a dietary supplement and it is intended for alleviating cough in patients with sore through.
Marshmallow root
Marshmallow root contains of the whole or cut, dried rhizome and root of Althaea officinalis L. Malvaceae. Marshmallow root contains 5–10% mucilage (depending greatly on the time of the harvesting and on the further processing), a mixture mainly of acidic polysacchaides comprising an arabinan, glucans and a rhamnogalacturonan. Pectin, sugars, asparagine and small amounts of sterols are also present. Marshmallow root is an antitusive and it is used especially for irritable coughs and catarrhal inflammation of the throat, but not as an expectorant. The total extract and the polysaccharide fraction have both been shown to produce a statistically significant cough–suppressant effect. German Commission E has approved use of the Marshmallow root for inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat and the associated irritabile dry cough and mild inflammation of the gastric mucosa also.
100 g of Marshmallow root syrup contains:
Mucilage from 2.5 g Marshmallow (Althaeae radicis mucilago, Althaea radix, Altheaea officinalis L. Malvaceae).
Other ingredients are sucrose, preservative (methylparahydroxybensoate and propilparahydroxybensoate), ethanol 96% and purified water.
Dosage and administration
Adults take 15 ml three times a day. Small children take teaspoon 5 ml three times a day, and infants take 2,5 ml three times a day.
Keep at temperature of 25 ºC. Close the bottle after each use.